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Jamiekson last won the day on April 3 2023

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  1. I've seen 22 before. only way to outlast that is playing with 6-7 figures $$
  2. Thats Awesome! Thanks for the love everyone and I'm happy I could help.
  3. I know it has been asked in here before, but I'm curious if anybody ever found a solution for this?? If not, does anybody know where I can find a resource to learn how to force it to click the button from the front end?? I have a few scripts that become significantly better when they can switch high\low while running. Somebody please help a lost degenerate.
  4. I've been messing around with this script a little more today.. I lowered the starting chance and the varix multipliers even more, and after a lose the chance increases by 1% instead of incrementally growing by 0.01 every time. If you play around with it make sure you use coins you don't care about until you find that sweet spot that works well. Whenever I'm tweaking the math in a script I always anticipate a bad run or two, and I DID have to bust a few times before I was able to get it to run like this.. But for now, THIS SHIT SLAPS!
  5. Sorry I haven't been in here for a while. Thanks again to @Skelefor always being so helpful! You've been an invaluable resource to me while I've been learning. And @Frmrclrripper If I'm understanding you correctly, then I think I fixed the script to work how you want it to. You DON'T want to change the equation for currentPayout. keep it at var currentPayout = ((1/chance)*99); the way I have it written, it NEEDS this equation to figure out the correct payout. Chance = 1 means there is a 1% chance to win. Then to get a payout that starts @ 990x: - startingChance should be set to 0.1. -So your balance doesnt drain at the same rate, decrease the multipliers. (labeled "varix" in the script) - New varix = (((old varix-1)/10)+1). Basically increasing at 1/10th the speed it was before. (1.25 is now 1.025, etc...) -Increase the "losecount" parameters by 10x (190, 260). -on lose, our chance increased by 1% everytime, so we have to lower that integer to (0.01). So I applied all of those changes, I fixed the mistake that was pointed out by Skele and I believe this SHOULD function how you wanted. I ran it for a few mintues and it appears to be working correctly. var config = { baseBet: { label: 'Base Bet', value: currency.minAmount, type: 'number' }, startingChance: { label: 'Starting Chance', value: 0.1, type: 'number' }, } var chance = config.startingChance.value; var currentPayout = ((1/chance)*99); var losecount = 0; var betcount = 0; var varix = 1.025; var previousBet = currentBet; var runningbalance = currency.amount; var originalbalance = currency.amount; var baseBet = config.baseBet.value; var currentBet = baseBet; function main () { game.onBet = function () { game.bet(currentBet, currentPayout).then(function(payout) { runningbalance -= currentBet; previousBet = currentBet; betcount += (1); if (payout > 1) { var netwin = currentBet * currentPayout; runningbalance += netwin; currentBet = baseBet; losecount = 0; chance = 0.1; varix = 1.025; } else { if (losecount >= 190) { varix = 1.05; } if (losecount >= 260) { varix = 1.066; } losecount += (1); currentBet = (previousBet * varix); chance += (0.01); } currentPayout = ((1/chance)*99); if (betcount % 100 == 0) { logSummary(); } log.info('Betting: ' + currentBet.toFixed(7) + ' ' + ' X ' + ' ' + currentPayout.toFixed(2)); }); } } function logSummary() { var netNumber = runningbalance - originalbalance; var netPecentage = (netNumber / originalbalance) * 100; if (originalbalance < runningbalance) { log.success('Total Profit: ' + netNumber.toFixed(7) + '(' + netPecentage.toFixed(2) + '%)'); } else { log.error('Total Profit: ' + netNumber.toFixed(7) + '(' + netPecentage.toFixed(2) + '%)'); } }
  6. Shit you are absolutely right, that was unintentional. Thank you for the tips man, it is very much appreciated!!!
  7. This script is pretty simply, but it is one that I'm very proud of, as I had no coding experience until a few months ago. Starts at minimum bet w/ a 1% chance to win. On lose - Chance increases by 1%. Bet is multiplied by "varix". On win - Returns to base-bet w/ 1% chance. Full disclosure: I usually use "runningbalance/100000" or "runningbalance/200000" for my basebet. Obviously that will be more profitable than betting the minimum, but it is quite a bit riskier and occasionally at this rate it will crash. Betting the minimum hasn't crashed on me yet, with well over 1M rolls. So raise the basebet at your own risk!! var config = { baseBet: { label: 'Base Bet', value: currency.minAmount, type: 'number' }, startingChance: { label: 'Starting Chance', value: 1, type: 'number' }, } var chance = config.startingChance.value; var currentPayout = ((1/chance)*99); var losecount = 0; var betcount = 0; var varix = 1.25; var previousBet = currentBet; var runningbalance = currency.amount; var originalbalance = currency.amount; var baseBet = config.baseBet.value; var currentBet = baseBet; function main () { game.onBet = function () { game.bet(currentBet, currentPayout).then(function(payout) { runningbalance -= currentBet; previousBet = currentBet; betcount += (1); if (payout > 1) { var netwin = currentBet * currentPayout; runningbalance += netwin; currentBet = baseBet; losecount = 0; chance = 1; varix = 1.25; } else { if (losecount >= 19) { losecount += (1); varix = 1.5; } if (losecount >= 26) { losecount += (1); varix = 1.66; } losecount += (1); currentBet = (previousBet * varix); chance += (1); } currentPayout = ((1/chance)*99); if (betcount >= 100) { logSummary(); betcount = 0; } log.info('Betting: ' + currentBet.toFixed(7) + ' ' + ' X ' + ' ' + currentPayout.toFixed(2)); }); } } function logSummary() { var netNumber = runningbalance - originalbalance; var netPecentage = (netNumber / originalbalance) * 100; if (originalbalance < runningbalance) { log.success('Total Profit: ' + netNumber.toFixed(7) + '(' + netPecentage.toFixed(2) + '%)'); } else { log.error('Total Profit: ' + netNumber.toFixed(7) + '(' + netPecentage.toFixed(2) + '%)'); } }
  8. So there actually is a way to take Nubz' Smart Script and make it start with a history of 2000 instead of 10 or 20?? If so, do you think you could help me with that?? BTW.. I've gotten Nubz Script working and functioning properly if anybody is interested. It no longer keeps growing uncontrollably. Now it returns to basebet once your running-balance reaches the previous all-time-high, and the basebet updates every 100 rounds.
  9. Do you have any scripts that can do that? Basing bets on the Streaks % and pausing betting when no streaks. Edit: Also, do you know if its possible to switch high/low while running a script in hash dice? Thanks for everything!
  10. This is awesome!! But it is way beyond me.. Any chance you could get it to function properly with new server responses?? Or point me in the right direction to figure it out myself..? It seems to run pretty good as is, but the bet amount never changes...When I open the Web console it shows the logs for varying bet adjustments being made each round, but it seems to just send the log without actually making any bet adjustments.. The only thing that changes is the payout amount, never the bet amount. Is that supposed to be the case? I will definitely send some generous tips for any help!!
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