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How to post a bet from Transaction/History/Bill


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As we are playing a challenge/contest/event or in hunt of a big hit,

WOW we made a hit but bet is scrolled out from MY BETS 20 limit. 

Now we can't share that big win in Site Chat. 

We go to Transactions/Bill/Game and see history of play and find out that big hit. There we can see BET ID. 

How we can post that bet by using BET ID in site chat.  

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  • 2 months later...

this is exactly what im trying to figure out right now. ive got one that'll put me in first i believe but i didnt stop at the time 

  On 1/16/2022 at 7:54 AM, iBxxxDracula said:

As we are playing a challenge/contest/event or in hunt of a big hit,

WOW we made a hit but bet is scrolled out from MY BETS 20 limit. 

Now we can't share that big win in Site Chat. 

We go to Transactions/Bill/Game and see history of play and find out that big hit. There we can see BET ID. 

How we can post that bet by using BET ID in site chat.  



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  • 3 weeks later...

What game are you looking for?  

So if you open the dev console (F12) and first you are going to want to get your userID you can do this by typing "ss.account.userId" into the console and hit enter,.

so if you go like if you are looking for a bet ID for say limbo.  the URL will be

or for the second popup where you cna click to get the short share link it wold be 

https://bc.game/api/game/support/share-v2/create/Limbo/{betID}/{userID}/{betID}/ this will actually just return json in response and there is a property on the json with shortURL which is what you want for posting on contests.

here is an example response:



so for my own personal example my userid is 2390712

so for my two links for a limbo bet i have 


As for like Roll hunts and stuff.  I have many scripts that bet pretty fast making if hard if not impossible to stop when you hit what your looking for especially on games like plinko.  I have thought about making one where you can put in your targets, and when the script sees it having it capture the betID and generating a share link automatically and just presenting it to the user.  Just a thought.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I tried this to get back a bet, but it seems its limited to 60 bets back max? (At least on towerlegend)

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i haven't tried it on anything that i couldn't find in my bill transaction section so i don't know that could very well be the case.

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  • 1 month later...
  On 5/19/2022 at 7:18 PM, Skele said:

i haven't tried it on anything that i couldn't find in my bill transaction section so i don't know that could very well be the case.


hi Skele, would you happen to know how I can display the gameID/betId/betTIme/etc while running the script?

I tried to put in log.info("Game ID " + game.gameId.crash); but I am getting typeError.

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  On 4/29/2022 at 3:39 AM, Skele said:

What game are you looking for?  

So if you open the dev console (F12) and first you are going to want to get your userID you can do this by typing "ss.account.userId" into the console and hit enter,.

so if you go like if you are looking for a bet ID for say limbo.  the URL will be

or for the second popup where you cna click to get the short share link it wold be 

https://bc.game/api/game/support/share-v2/create/Limbo/{betID}/{userID}/{betID}/ this will actually just return json in response and there is a property on the json with shortURL which is what you want for posting on contests.

here is an example response:



so for my own personal example my userid is 2390712

so for my two links for a limbo bet i have 


As for like Roll hunts and stuff.  I have many scripts that bet pretty fast making if hard if not impossible to stop when you hit what your looking for especially on games like plinko.  I have thought about making one where you can put in your targets, and when the script sees it having it capture the betID and generating a share link automatically and just presenting it to the user.  Just a thought.


This doesn't seem to work for cave? At least not by using "cave" in the link.


For example: https://bc.game/api/single/game/v2/bet/Cave/2583418/72374605574045811/

Returns:  {"msg":"Missing game name","data":null,"code":4001}

So I'm guessing Cave is called something else in the link?


Edit: Nevermind. The name of the game isn't "cave" in the link, it's "SlotsCave".

Trying to figure out how I won 86.2x when checking transactions, but when checking bet history I lost 57x bet. 

Got this response (which really doesn't make anything clearer): 



Edit again: There's an easier way to find out your user ID. 

Open up your user information, and pick the user ID from the address field in the browser.





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so Cave is a weird one because it will give you wins in the logs before you ever cash out and get them as realized them yet.  But with a multiplier that high i am guess you hit an jcackpot symbol or something


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  On 7/3/2022 at 4:59 PM, Skele said:

so Cave is a weird one because it will give you wins in the logs before you ever cash out and get them as realized them yet.  But with a multiplier that high i am guess you hit an jcackpot symbol or something



When I cashed out I had full book and full gem and rosary at 88x.




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so if you format the json that you get back it is actually a bit easier to read


I am not sure what you are trying to find out but remember this is for a single bet.  it says your odds are 24.5 meaning 24.5x is what you increased from that bet, the index positions are  left index is book centerindex is the ankh, and the rightindex is the gems,  and well are their positions..
cashpotODDs  is probably the amount you would cash out but you would have to double check against the game because i don't know for sure.  BetTime is the javascript time which is in miliseconds since 1990 or something weird like that but you can put it into the constructor of a javascript date object and have it print a friendly name if you need it.

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I was mostly curious about how it calculates wins. Since it said I won that 108x the bet, and checking bills in transaction history shows similar and my balance also increased about that amount. And still, it says I lost 57x the bet. Makes no sense.




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Maybe you did if you got a skull, because it drops on of everything off depending how high you were in the center i can see it taking that much off in a single bet.

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Yeah, the middle one was at 53x and I decided that if I get a skull I'll cash out rather than waiting for the mandatory 2-3 skulls that follow in rapid succession. 

I'm still not sure how -57x got involved. 

I was  like this

BOOK          ANKH            GEM

10.5x              53x                 45x


I got a skull before cashing out, which means they all went down one step.


10.5 - 5 = 5.5

53 - 20.5 = 32.5

45 - 20.5 = 24.5


5.5 + 32.5 + 24.5 = 62.5




So I should have lost 62.5x and not 57x!

I knew it! BC.game has scammed me from losing 5.5x!


Honestly, I'm just curious. I've spent the past few weeks going through the in-house games to figure out how they work and try to explain them to those who need it.

But there are a couple of games I haven't figured out 100% yet, and Cave is one of them.




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There is actually documentation on cave that i have seen that talks about the changes in chance for each symbol based on where you are at in filling up each column.  The actual system is pretty intricate it seems.  But the whole if  all 3 columns are equal for more than 1 spin send a skull rule is just silly they should get rid of it. (not a real rule obviously but sure seems like it).

For as much as i hear people complain about gave if i cash out fairly often i can usually make a profit on it more consistently than many of the other games


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This game and Egyptian almost gives me headache when reading about the mechanics of the games.




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Interesting comments here. Even am looking forward to know regarding the solution.

However, we will implement bet history for more bets and also allow to download all your bet history in upcoming days - it's in pipeline.

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  On 7/5/2022 at 6:36 PM, BCGame_POP said:

Interesting comments here. Even am looking forward to know regarding the solution.

However, we will implement bet history for more bets and also allow to download all your bet history in upcoming days - it's in pipeline.


I sometimes lost my winning bet id and transaction bills surely show wins but wont be able to give me links required to post on forum contest. Hope there's a click link to it to copy and paste.

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  • 4 months later...
  On 6/26/2022 at 1:19 AM, AlanMDC4 said:

hi Skele, would you happen to know how I can display the gameID/betId/betTIme/etc while running the script?

I tried to put in log.info("Game ID " + game.gameId.crash); but I am getting typeError.


Sorry i am just now seeing this you would do game.history[0].betId etc... where history is just a 0 based array of now 50 items back since the update woohoo. But better than 20 that it used to be. @BCGame_POP You mention you guys are going to implement exporting of the bet history.  I have a script that just calls the webservice and builds a csv to download.  By question is how far back are you going to let users download?  Also what format will they be in when downloaded? (ie json, xml, csv, something else?)

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